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Waterfall detail, Tasmania 2022

Tourist at Babinda Boulders, Qld 2016

Late afternoon view of Kingston, Norfolk Island, 2022

Detail of a Moreton Bay Fig tree, Norfolk Island, 2022

New Military Barracks, Kingston, Norfolk Island, 2022

Buildings near the Pier, Kingston, Norfolk Island, 2022

New Gaol 1847, Norfolk Island, 2022

A lighter (aka whale) boat decaying alongside a historic building, Norfolk Island, 2022

Cockpit Falls Reserve coastline, Norfolk Island, 2022

Early morning on Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra, # 2

Early morning on Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra, # 1

Interior view , Canberra Airport, 2016
* Limited max size to 16 inch width

Dawn and balloons over Lake Burley Griffin, Canberra

Farm set among rolling hills near Korumburra, Victoria

Aerial view of Franz Joseph Glacier region, New Zealand, 2015

L1-6 Misty valleys, Kosciuszko National Park

Creek running through Kosciuszko National Park

Kosciuszko National Park

Sunset over a Queensland beach

Creek in a Tasmanian rainforest

Close-up of rocks at Second Valley, South Australia, 2021

The ‘Breadknife’, Warrumbungles National Park, 2002